Wednesday, 15 June 2011


The PS3 is YLOD fix something that will hopefully never experience, but chances are if you're reading this then you already had the problem. This problem came to light shortly after the PS3 has appeared on the market and has hit the old models 40 and 60 GB. It is believed that the main problem of losing a result of contact with the CPU chip, which turns into the error, it is usually about as a result of overheating and cracking in the welds that support the twoComponents in contact with each other.

A solution for a correction YLOD PS3 is to send it back to Sony. Now, this is just a good idea if you still have the warranty or you have to shell out another 150 dollars to get Sony to repair for you seems a bit 'steep considering you can already have spent anywhere from $ 300 - $ 600 buy a first .


Another option is to correct themselves. Now it's your fault YLOD could be as simple as the disc is raised andIt 's just a matter of repositioning the hard drive and reinstall. Well, once you open the console void the remaining warranty you may have, but sometimes it is better if the warranty has expired, how to use everything and is really able to send up to six weeks before you return the Sony 'repaired unit.

If this fails, then it is probably a case of cracked welds, and will run some new thermal paste. All this can be doneitself, but I would suggest that you have some type of leadership so that we can resolve, such as detailed instructions would be needed to achieve the scope of this article.


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